dog training
After 6 years of walking dogs and learning about training, practicing for fun, and some encouragement from clients and a mentor trainer I finally decided to officially go for it!
I found over the years working with reactive dogs to be my favorite aspect and pursued a certification focused on this. Living with a reactive dog can be very challenging and isolating for both the dog and human. I love working with these families to expand their bubbles and help them live less isolating lives. Through management and training both the dog and parent can learn how to have more enjoyable walks with less outbursts. In addition to reactivity I offer training for general needs, from puppy training, loose leash walking, reading canine body language, and much more!
The dog training industry is unregulated and anyone such as myself who has worked with dogs for a long time and studies the topic regularly (or not) could call themselves a dog trainer. Becoming a certified trainer was an important part of my journey to solidify my learning and skills. No matter who you choose to help with learning how to train your dog, be sure they have a current accredited certification(s). There is a big difference between a hobby trainer and one who has and continues to invest time and money into their education. Check out my current certifications below along with those in progress!
"schools in session"
Not sure you have enough time to train or do you want to keep consistency in your training plan?
Learning walks are a great way to keep your dogs training consistent and get in extra practice when life gets busy. Or I can establish a new skill for you and then teach you what your dog knows through a transfer skills session if you don't have the time to train the desired skill(s).


"let's learn together"
New to dog ownership/training, unsure of how to handle problematic behaviors or just want to build a better
relationship with your dog?
Learn the skills needed to effectively communicate with your dog to teach them new skills, prevent problem behaviors or work through problem behaviors!
"distance is not an obstacle to quality training"
Not in the Carbondale, CO area? Virtual coaching is just as effective as in person coaching for many training goals! All new skills are best taught within the home first before taking these skills on the go! Contact me today to schedule a complimentary 30min meeting to learn more about how virtual dog training could work for you!

Certified Behavior Adjustment Training Instructor (CBATI-KA )
Certified Professional Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA)
How Behavior works: Living and Learning with Animals
Certifications In Progress:
CBATI-SA certified behavior adjustment instructor-skills assessed
PARTIAL and FULL training scholarships available for those who cannot access high quality, humane training due to cost. Contact us to find out more and to apply or to donate to our scholarship fund!